Investigative article: “MCC accused of inadequate response to sexual assault allegation in Mozambique”

On Sept. 19, 2024, Canadian Mennonite published an in-depth investigative article by editor Will Braun about two additional painful endings with MCC: those of Katie Moyer (who alleges that MCC responded inadequately to her reports about sexual assault by a colleague) and Melissa Wilson (who was fired along with her co-rep after refusing to continue to work with a CFGB-funded partner organization with documented issues of mismanagement, staff harassment and workplace misconduct).

Read the whole article here: MCC accused of inadequate response to sexual assault allegation in Mozambique

CM has tagged other articles related to the open letter and claims by former workers to have been mistreated by MCC (letters from readers, a follow-up behind-the-scenes article explaining the decision to cover this story, and the story of MCC’s inadequate response to a sexual assault allegation, and the stories of several of the signatories of the June 11, 2024 open letter). Explore them all here.


In Akron staff newsletter, MCC announces transition for MCC US Human Resources Director, end of October 2024


MCC’s interim director of advancement, Laura Kalmar, responds to questions from editor of Canadian Mennonite