In Akron staff newsletter, MCC announces transition for MCC US Human Resources Director, end of October 2024
Posted in Among Ourselves, a daily email for Akron staff, end of Oct. 2024 (copy obtained by MAST)
The MCC US HR Director position was posted online until January 15, 2025. The job description is no longer available online but you can view it here.
Updates on IP HR Director and MCC US HR Director - Special Projects: In efforts to increase HR support of MCC’s International Program, MCC Canada HR director Purity Muchiri will be stepping into a part-time and temporary IP HR Director role which started on October 1. In addition, Susan Wadel has been serving as the temporary HR Director - Special Projects at MCC US, primarily focusing on the International Program Compensation project. Given the ongoing demands of this initiative, Susan will continue in this role until December 31, 2025. We extend our gratitude to Susan for her outstanding service and leadership as the MCC US HR Director for the past 11 years, and we are grateful for her expertise which will facilitate the continued success of the IP Compensation project.
Update on MCC US HR Director Position: Considering the objectives set out for HR in the draft five year Strategic Plan and the continuation of Susan Wadel as the HR Director for Special Projects, MCC US will be opening a search for a MCC US Human Resources Director with an expanded role to fulfill the objectives set out in the upcoming Strategic Plan. Please keep an eye out for this HR Director job posting and share it with your professional and personal networks. Ashley King will continue to serve as interim Associate Director for MCC US HR until the search for a new director is complete. We thank Ashley for her excellent leadership during this interim period.