Canadian Mennonite reports on MCC investigation findings of harassment by senior personnel and Québec labour board conciliation planned for January 14, 2024
One day prior to a planned conciliation meeting between John Clarke and Anicka Fast and Mennonite Central Committee as part of a Québec Labor Board dispute, Canadian Mennonite reports on the Veritas Solutions investigation findings and interviews Fast and Clarke about their expectations for the conciliation process, their reaction to the investigation findings, and their hopes for a restorative solution through a facilitated conversation being brokered by César García (general secretary of Mennonite World Conference) and Marisa Smucker (executive director of Mennonite Mission Network).
Veritas Solutions determines that actions by MCC “senior personnel” toward John Clarke and Anicka Fast constitute multiple counts of “harassment.”
Veritas Solutions determines that actions by MCC “senior personnel” toward John Clarke and Anicka Fast constitute multiple counts of “harassment.”