MAST Steering Committee Members
John Clarke and Anicka Fast
MCC Health Project Coordinators in DR Congo from 2009 to 2012
MCC Representatives in Burkina Faso from 2020 to 2023
Anicka Fast is a Specialist in Church History and Missiology with Mennonite Mission Network, a Visiting Researcher at the Center for Global Christianity and Mission at Boston University, and Secretary of the Faith and Life Commission of Mennonite World Conference. She grew up in Papua New Guinea and has lived in Canada, the United States, England, France, DR Congo, and Burkina Faso. She and her husband John and two daughters now live in the Netherlands and are members of a local Mennonite church in Bussum-Naarden. Anicka loves to cycle, read, knit, and play strategy games.
Leora and George Epp
MCC Representatives in Bangladesh from 2017 to 2020
Kathryn and Dan Smith Derksen
MCC Peace Workers in: Uganda from 2000 to 2003; and Chad from 2006 to 2009.
Mennonite Mission Network in South Africa from 2016 to 2020.
Dan and Kathryn were each born in Africa to parents serving as teachers; Dan’s as part of the Church of the Brethren mission in Nigeria, and Kathryn’s as part of the first cohort in the Teachers Abroad Program (TAP) of MCC in Botswana. Since 2003, when not on assignment in Africa, they've been based in Seattle, Washington. Dan works for the Seattle Housing Authority in the Housing Choice Voucher program. Kathryn, after working the last 4 years as Community Program Manager for Path From Poverty, is currently Music Director at the Northlake Unitarian Universalist Church in Kirkland, WA. Dan and Kathryn are members of Evergreen Mennonite Church where Kathryn serves as the chair of the leadership council. Dan is a member of the Pacific Northwest Mennonite Conference Board as their secretary. They have two young-adult children.
Julene Fast
My home is in southern Ontario in Canada where I live with my spouse and 3 adult children. I work at growing and preserving a large portion of the food we eat. I have been involved with MCC’s work throughout my life in serving as a volunteer as well as donating quilts, making comforters and giving financially. Always I believed in the good work being done through this organization. I am part of MAST because the experiences of those treated poorly by MCC are close to my heart and I wish to see the disconnect between this behaviour of and my trust in MCC’s good name be restored.
This member, a signatory of the June 11, 2024 open letter and a former MCC staff member from Asia, was fired in 202X after using MCC’s confidential reporting service, in the presence of one of the individuals who investigated their report of abuse. They need to remain anonymous for their safety.