In Akron staff newsletter, MCC announces an “internal assessment of staff relations particularly in the International Program,” Dec. 18, 2024

“an internal assessment of MCC’s policies and procedures concerning staff relations particularly in the International Program will be conducted. This assessment will examine current practices in areas such as conflict resolution, abuse of power, terminations, and other challenging employee situations. Based on the findings, the assessment will offer recommendations to support healthier relationships between staff and supervisors, ensuring alignment with MCC’s core values. Linda Herr will oversee this internal assessment, reporting to the two national executive directors.”

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In Akron staff newsletter, MCC announces transition for MCC US Human Resources Director, end of October 2024

“Update on MCC US HR Director Position: Considering the objectives set out for HR in the draft five year Strategic Plan and the continuation of Susan Wadel as the HR Director for Special Projects, MCC US will be opening a search for a MCC US Human Resources Director with an expanded role to fulfill the objectives set out in the upcoming Strategic Plan. Please keep an eye out for this HR Director job posting and share it with your professional and personal networks.”

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MCC’s interim director of advancement, Laura Kalmar, responds to questions from editor of Canadian Mennonite

MCC’s interim director of advancement, Laura Kalmar, responds to questions from editor of Canadian Mennonite

“As we hire an increasing number of staff from outside Canada and U.S. and deal with multiple and changing international employment laws, we are significantly growing our human resources staffing in international settings. We have just created the role of an international human resources director who will eventually be located outside Canada and the U.S. We are also following through on our commitment to place an HR professional in every international region where we work to deal with the often complex and varied needs of these regions. These additional staff in international settings allow for much stronger worker care and support. We are also increasing staffing by adding a position with MCC U.S. to respond to reports of abuses of power.”

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MCC issues public FAQ on its website in response to formation of MAST, September 18, 2024

MCC issues public FAQ on its website in response to formation of MAST, September 18, 2024

“We recognize that as the world has grown more complex, disagreements and concerns have become more difficult to navigate. As a result, MCC is currently exploring the creation of a listening space for those with concerns, similar to the Office of an Ombudsperson. We are grateful for the opportunity to listen and grow as an organization…

MCC has started a conversation with other Anabaptist organizations to determine how our Anabaptist theology – including restorative justice and alternative dispute resolution processes – can and must shape the way we interact with personnel. We are committed to having our theology, alternative dispute resolution processes and restorative justice principles help inform policies, procedures and organizational culture as we care for the people who serve with us….”

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Anabaptist World article about the formation of MAST (MCC Abuse Survivors Together)

Anabaptist World article about the formation of MAST (MCC Abuse Survivors Together)

MAST is seeking justice for survivors of alleged abuses, accountability for MCC and transparency for constituents. The group seeks to support those who have been impacted, offer a means of reporting and tracking cases confidentially, and offer space to share stories publicly.

Signers of the open letter outlined 21 cases of abuse. Since May, an additional 22 former MCC workers shared stories of painful experiences. A majority of the cases are from the last 25 years, with a few from the 1980s and ’90s.

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Press release announces formation of MCC Abuse Survivors Together (MAST)

Press release announces formation of MCC Abuse Survivors Together (MAST)

September 10, 2024. A group of signatories of the open letter and their allies announce the formation of MAST “to coordinate ongoing efforts to hold MCC to account for its abusive behaviour.”

The MAST steering committee includes open letter signatories as well as other MCC survivors and allies.

MAST seeks justice for survivors of MCC abuse, accountability for MCC, and transparency for the MCC constituency.

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MCC issues internal update to staff, late August 2024

MCC issues internal update to staff, late August 2024

“When staff separations or transitions need to occur, MCC must sometimes rely on the expertise of lawyers. As caretakers of God’s gifts – knowing we have a deep responsibility to those we serve and to the generous donors who support MCC – we need to listen to the trusted counsel of experts, including lawyers.

In times of conflict during separation, MCC has sometimes used agreements that allow both parties to reach a mutually beneficial resolution and to move forward peacefully. These agreements require both parties to a) not file further lawsuits, b) not disclose confidential information [which are particularly important in war zones or when the conflict may involve team members in other countries where privacy is critical], and c) not publicly disparage each other [non-disparagement clauses].

In fact, MCC very rarely uses NDAs or non-disparagement clauses. In consultation with our lawyers, MCC estimates we have used NDAs or non-disparagement clauses less than half a dozen times in the past 12 years. “

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MCC Executive Directors write opinion piece in Canadian Mennonite Magazine, July 15, 2024

MCC Executive Directors write opinion piece in Canadian Mennonite Magazine, July 15, 2024

Yes, there is work to be done. We also believe there is a difference between workplace abuse and organizational conflict. Individuals citing organizational abuse may not have all the facts and can easily make assumptions without all the evidence. Conflict, by nature, is multifaceted and includes more than one perspective.

We do want you to know that, when employee transitions occur, MCC does not, as a matter of practice, use non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) or non-disparagement clauses. In almost all cases, these types of agreements are unnecessary. In the rare occasion when there is potential for a lawsuit, our legal counsel provides us with templated agreements in which both sides agree to not pursue further litigation or disparage the other side.

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Second MCC internal FAQ to staff in response to open letter and petition, June 24, 2024

“MCC’s HR staff are committed to engaging with respect and care. They are individuals of faith who are consummate professionals working with different countries, cultures and rapidly changing situations. When situations evolve in unexpected ways, there are times when HR and the leaders within MCC must make decisions for the broader good of everyone involved. We recognize that individuals on the ground may disagree with those decisions. When this occurs, MCC seeks to find a resolution that is consistent with our policies and offers compassion to those engaged.”

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Anabaptist World article about the open letter and petition

Anabaptist World article about the open letter and petition

“The letter describes situations in which the writers say MCC program directors, executives and human resources staff disregarded workers’ health and MCC policies about medical needs. Supervisors ignored safety needs during times of instability and delayed or resisted providing health care, the writers say. They say that when needs were expressed or abuse reported, workers experienced harassment or silence before abrupt termination. One couple in Africa stated the termination letter they received contained inaccurate claims.”

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Statement on MCC website in response to open letter and petition, June 18, 2024

Statement on MCC website in response to open letter and petition, June 18, 2024

“We acknowledge the hurt expressed by these former MCC staff members. We want to respond with humility and compassion. People are fallible and as a result, MCC is constantly reviewing policies and procedures to ensure they meet the complex needs of our staff and reflect the difficult locations where we serve. As people serving people, our goal is to ensure the ongoing health and safety of all our workers….

We will share the facts as we know them in a court of law at the appropriate time….

MCC’s HR staff are committed to engaging with respect and care. They are individuals of faith who are consummate professionals working with different countries, cultures and rapidly changing situations.”

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Internal FAQ sent to staff in response to open letter and petition, June 11, 2024

“Conflict, by nature, reflects differing perceptions of what occurred. We recognize that MCC may hold a different view of the circumstances outlined by the individuals who were interviewed for the article. We are grateful there are processes to help us resolve these differences and we will work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone involved.”

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