Internal FAQ sent to staff in response to open letter and petition, June 11, 2024
June 11, 2024. MCC Executive Directors sent an internal memo to all staff as soon as the open letter and petition were published. MAST members obtained this memo from several MCC employees. It was first posted on Facebook (along with detailed comments by Anicka Fast) on June 18.
The e-mail message:
Dear MCC staff,
You may be aware of the social media and email communications from former MCC staff, outlining the experiences of several former MCC employees and raising concerns about MCC’s HR policies.
Like all confidential HR matters, including any case currently under investigation or being litigated, we always respect the privacy of those involved. We do not publicly share specific case details.
Conflict, by nature, reflects differing perceptions of what occurred. There is often deep pain involved. Reconciliation and peacebuilding require hard work on all sides. When a grievance is raised, MCC is committed to participating in appropriate investigations, mediation or legal processes.
MCC’s greatest asset is our people. We are incredibly grateful for the more than 16,000 individuals who have served with MCC over the past 100 years. They are the heartbeat of our ministry.
We are grateful for the staff who serve in settings where there is inherent risk or complexity. These staff members have chosen to serve sacrificially, while remaining committed to sharing God’s love and compassion with those in need.
Sometimes a crisis or disaster occurs in a country where MCC staff are located. MCC endeavors to walk alongside these staff members with deep care and consideration. A crisis team comes together, making urgent—and often complex— decisions to ensure the health and safety of everyone involved.
To help guide and support staff in these, and in all circumstances, MCC maintains a robust set of policies and procedures. We work to continually improve and sharpen these documents. We recognize that MCC is a human, fallible, ever-growing institution. Therefore, our policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and revised. During that review process, staff and other key stakeholders are invited to provide critical input.
Attached, you will find an FAQ to help you answer internal questions about this situation. Please do not share this document with anyone outside MCC. If you receive questions from media, please do not respond on behalf of MCC. Please refer official media requests to Laura Kalmar ( in Canada, or Marla Pierson Lester ( in the U.S.
If you, or anyone you know, would like to report a complaint or concern against MCC, we invite you to visit MCC’s Speak Up Service. All reports are confidential and will be handled by a third-party intake process. MCC treats all reports seriously and seeks to provide a safe and just workplace for all staff, volunteers and partners.
Please be reminded that counseling services are available should you wish to speak to a professional. Please reach out to your HR representative for more information about available support.
Please join us in praying for all those involved in this situation, whether current or former employees of MCC.
In Christ’s peace,
Ann and Rick
The FAQ (in an attachment):
Frequently Asked Questions
Former MCC Staff Grievances
June 11, 2024
This document is for internal MCC use only. Please use the following Frequently Asked Questions document to answer questions received by MCC staff. Do NOT release or circulate this document as a whole to anyone outside MCC, including media. Do NOT initiate media contact on this issue on behalf of MCC.
If you receive media requests related to this issue, please contact Laura Kalmar [removed contact info] in Canada or Marla Pierson Lester [removed contact info] in the U.S.
Is MCC aware of the complaints from former MCC staff members outlined in email, social media and elsewhere?
Yes. We are aware of the grievances submitted by former staff members. We take all complaints seriously and are seeking a good and just outcome for all involved, knowing that any type of conflict brings significant pain.
Conflict, by nature, reflects differing perceptions of what occurred. We recognize that MCC may hold a different view of the circumstances outlined by the individuals who were interviewed for the article. We are grateful there are processes to help us resolve these differences and we will work diligently to achieve the best possible outcome for everyone involved.
What are the specific steps MCC is taking to resolve the complaints by John Clarke and Anicka Fast, former MCC representatives for Burkina Faso?
MCC is grateful for John and Anicka’s desire for mediation. While we had hoped to engage in mediation conducted by the Québec Workplace Health, Safety and Equity Standards Board, this was not possible. We are currently exploring alternate processes for moving forward.
MCC is also currently conducting a third-party investigation into the complaints raised by John and Anicka. This is standard HR procedure in response to these types of grievances and will help us best respond.
Why won’t MCC provide more details about these grievances?
All HR complaints are confidential, so specific details of the case will not be shared with individuals outside those involved. Also, we cannot comment on an ongoing legal process.
How does MCC care for staff during crisis or disaster?
MCC takes staff safety and health very seriously. Under the leadership of MCC’s international program safety and security specialist, MCC diligently monitors the contexts in which staff work. MCC is committed to maintaining rigorous staff security policies and procedures, recognizing the risks and ongoing volatility inherent in many regions where MCC works.
Are MCC’s HR policies and procedures adequate and fair?
MCC has a robust set of policies and procedures to help care for and guide staff. Our desire is to continuously improve and sharpen these policies and procedures, ensuring the ongoing health and safety of all MCC staff.
We also recognize that MCC is a human, fallible, ever-growing institution. Therefore, our policies and procedures are regularly reviewed and revised. During that review process, we invite input from staff and other key stakeholders.
What processes does MCC have in place if someone wants to issue a complaint or report a grievance?
MCC takes all reports of harm seriously. Through MCC’s Speak Up Service, anyone who is connected with MCC or the partners and programs we support can report an abuse or complaint. All reports are confidential and handled by a third-party. Concerns may include a violation of ethical or professional standards, misconduct, or unfair or inappropriate management of resources.
I’m having a hard time with this information. Who should I talk with?
Please be reminded that counseling services are available for free, should you wish to speak to a professional. Please reach out to your HR representative for more information about available support.