Letter to MCC leaders in response to Feb. 5 2025 statement

A friend of John Clarke and Anicka Fast wrote this email to Rick Cober Bauman, MCC Canada Executive Director, on Feb. 8. 2025. Shared here with permission - name withheld on request.

Dear Rick,

As indicated in my previous email, we decided to begin redirecting our donations elsewhere after hearing some disturbing and credible allegations of misconduct in MCC towards its workers. I've been following the story quite closely due in part to its Quebec connections, and just saw the following article released by MCC:


Having heard more of the details of what actually went on in the case of the Clarke-Fasts, I'm extremely disappointed to see an article like this with clear obfuscation being released by MCC. My understanding from what I read was that the original offer of money was contingent on silence and that this new payout was made only days before a court hearing that could have found MCC guilty of illegal activity. In the letter that MCC released, all of that is smoothed over and it appears designed to cast the Clarke-Fasts in the worst light possible. 

If an organization pays a large sum out without an NDA days before a court hearing, it's a very clear indication of guilt. But if a few days later, they paint themselves having done it out of generosity and attempt to make the complainants look unreasonable, it does not show an organization that is attempting to come to grips with the wrongs that it has committed.

As a result, we will continue to withhold our donation from MCC until the situation is fully resolved and we'll encourage others in our community to do the same.

In disappointment, 

—Name withheld

Looking for a next step to take in response? Check out our list of ways to get involved (speak out publicly - sign the petition or write a letter - ask for an external investigation - support survivors - coordinate your efforts with others - educate yourself and your congregation about institutional abuse dynamics).


“From Inertia to Momentum:” a call for change to MCC by Desalegn Abebe, MKC president


Message from Sara Wenger Shenk