The 6 Rs of restoration and healing

Remembering is truth-telling, remorse is to feel the pain and the loss or the trauma that was caused. And then repent to ask for forgiveness. Our repair helps us reach out to heal and restore what was broken. And if you stumble on any of them in the process, go back! - Elona Street-Stewart

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Q&A about Anicka and John’s legal proceedings with the Québec labor board (CNESST)

It really bothers us when MCC states or implies that we have “declined to participate” in mediation opportunities, or refers to the ongoing legal proceedings as a way to suggest that we have non-restorative intentions or are constraining MCC to communicate with us only through a legal process that we have initiated.

John Clarke and I took this opportunity to write to board members to once again clarify our motivation for filing complaints to the Quebec Labour board, and our ongoing desire for restorative conversation outside the purview of the legal process.

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